
The DECOYang-Shakhnovich (DECOY-S) set contains decoys for 5 proteins (PDB codes: 1ENH, 1GJS, 1E0G, 1IGD, 1CLB) which were generated from ab inito Monte Carlo simulations with a all-atom potential developed at our group. For details, please refer to the following paper: J. S. Yang, W. W. Chen, J. Skolnick, E. I. Shakhnovich, All-Atom Ab Initio folding of a Diverse Set of proteins, Structure, 15, 53-63 (2007).

For each protein, there are 301 pdb files (1 native & 300 decoys) whose rmsd value to the native ranges from 0 to 20 and a text file (rmsd.txt) which contains rmsd information for 301 pdb files.

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Download DECOY-S files (tar gzipped)

 Download potential files (tar gzipped)